
Time of Mercy Blog


Has no one condemned you?

When I meditate on Divine Mercy, when I try to understand the sense of Jesus’ Merciful actions, all the time I have in my mind two important Bible passages.

In the book of Isaiah God said to us: “Can a mother forget her infant, be without tenderness for the child of her womb? Even should she forget, I will never forget you. See, upon the palms of my hands I have written your name (Is 49, 15-16)

Even if our mother forgets us, abandon us, our names are written on the hand of God, He will never forget us.

The second important passage is the Gospel history about a woman who was not only accused of committing adultery but who was caught in the very act – making the case simple to prosecute. The scribes and Pharisees brought her to Jesus. The woman is clearly guilty of an offense that is punishable by death by stoning as prescribed by law.

Jesus must uphold the law; however he is surrounded by a crowd who has heard him speak with power and authority about the love, mercy, and forgiveness of the heavenly Father.

Such a challenge demanded a response; It seemed that their victory would be assured. So, the trap was cleverly devised. There was no alternative! Will Jesus be caught? Or will he go against his words about love, forgiveness, mercy? Or will he go against the Law of Moses and judge himself? What will He do now, who has so many times declared, "You have heard that it was said... And I say to you..." By defending his doctrine of loving his enemies, will he himself become an enemy of the Law? And if he goes against the Law, the multitudes will no longer recognize Him as a prophet. In both cases, this Son of God, as he said of himself, will be trapped!

What is He to do? What is He to say? If He endorses the Law, He loses credibility with the crowds. If He refutes the Law He will be publicly shamed by the scribes and Pharisees...,

Jesus bent down and began to write on the ground with his finger. They continued asking him. He straightened up and said to them; Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her... Silence... again he bent down and wrote on the ground.

Jesus who is writing something on the sand. What is He writing? Jesus is writing our sins on the sand. When the wind comes, it will erase everything.

Our names written on the palm of God's hand; our sins written on the sand. This is Divine Mercy.

fr. george

George Bobowski